
World Fairtrade Organisation (WFTO) Panel Session on ‘Climate and Fashion’

Where Does It Come From? founder Jo Salter joined key experts on Climate and Fashion for the WFTO panel session on Climate and Fashion in October 2021. Chaired by Matteo Ward, fellow panelists were Delphine Williot of Fashion Revolution, Mimi Sewalski of Avocado Store and Selyna Peiris of Selyn. You can watch a recording below:

Where Does It Come From? and the SDGs – Interview by The Frugal Family

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a key way to map and measure our positive impact, not only as businesses but as individuals too. You can check out how we map against the goals in our article Where Does It Come From? and the SDGS. In this interview Clare Lyons from The Frugal Family interviews our founder Jo Salter …

Where Does It Come From? and the SDGs – Interview by The Frugal Family Read More »

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